Calls For Shifts In Philanthropy Towards Refugees Leadership
The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated displacement and conflict in many parts of the world, as well as compounded the difficulties of humanitarian efforts supporting refugees. Yet, in Covid-19 response and recovery efforts, refugee-led organizations and initiatives have largely been sidelined by traditional philanthropy.
“Local organizations — including refugee-led organizations — are receiving less than 1% of available humanitarian funding. We came together to demonstrate that it is possible and essential to increase direct support to the local efforts of refugee-led organizations, through launching #RefugeesLead,” says Natasha Friedus, Co-Founder and CEO of NeedsList, a software solution that connects donors to community-led needs.
Since launching #RefugeesLead on World Humanitarian Day on August 19, the campaign has mobilized funding from individuals, matched by Open Society Foundations, to support ten refugee-led organizations across the world. For example, FUNDACOLVEN provides economic opportunities to Venezuelan refugees in Colombia, who have now been shut out due to the border closures. “Refugee-led organizations create an essential space of recognition, trust, and sensitivity within communities,” said Lublanc Prieto, Director, FUNDACOLVEN.