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Be a part of transforming the international humanitarian system and support community solutions delivered by refugees, for refugees.

With your support, we can work to increase the choices available to refugees and asylum seekers, and identify long-term solutions that enable those fleeing persecution to reach a peaceful and safe future.   

Thanks to a key donor covering administrative and organisational costs, 100% of your donation will go directly to our refugee programs.  RAIC is connected on the ground and our team works tirelessly from inside the community to equitably and efficiently distribute funds across our programs in response to need.

With a number of options available, your generosity will have an immediate impact on refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia.  
Help be part of the solution. Support our community by donating today. 

RAIC has given us hope that we can progress in our life, and it has brought happiness to our family. We were living in uncertainty. We were really confused about what we were going to do. They’ve given us hope that we can help our lives and help us to move forward. – RAIC Program Participant

All donations from Australia, UK, USA and New Zealand are tax deductible!

RAIC Indonesia is a partner for Project J1170N Refugee-Led Empowerment & Support Indonesia with Global Development Group (ABN 57 102 400 993). Tax deductible receipts for gifts over $2 with a preference for this project will be issued by GDG. If funds raised exceed the requirement for this project, the funds may be directed to another approved activity. Please note, no non-development (evangelistic, political or welfare) activities are a part of, or funded by, the GDG project. For more information please visit www.gdg.org.au.