Legal Aid and Empowerment
RAIC has assisted the refugee community in Indonesia to access legal aid and advice since we began in 2017. While many requests for assistance relate to UNHCR Refugee Status Determination and resettlement applications, we also support refugees to navigate issues related to Indonesian domestic law such as rental disputes with landlords.
RAIC regularly plays a welfare and case-management role, overseeing the referral of refugees to dedicated legal services or other RAIC programs to address underlying concerns. We also work with partner organisations to provide legal training to refugees and increase capacity for peer support within the community.
In 2021, RAIC played a key role in pushing for COVID-19 vaccines to be made available for thousands of refugees living in the Bogor region. We fought for the Indonesian Government’s Covid Safe app to recognise UNHCR ID cards and allow community members to register their full immunisation status to ensure access to public services and spaces.
Develop legal skills among the refugees and asylum seeker community, such as how to create their own submissions and navigating the legal system in Indonesia.
Help refugee and asylum seeker community members to prepare for UNHCR interviews and draft appeals.
Advocate and provide legal advice for refugees and asylum seekers in crisis.
Work with research partners to understand the impact of refugee-led legal empowerment programs in the Asia Pacific.
$20 – funds one hour of translation services for refugees to access legal assistance in their own language
$350 – funds a one-on-one consultation session for a refugee with an immigration lawyer
Become a supporter of the Legal Aid and Empowerment program today.